Our Services

Each Physical Therapy provider will be one on one for the entirety of each and every visit. We want to ensure progress is happening each visit and, if not, we catch it immediately to redirect care as needed. We don’t believe in selling passive treatments and gimmicky equipment - we believe you can be an active participant in your movement journey, and we strive to help you gain as much independence as you can.

Wellness & Fitness Enhancement

Regardless of current fitness level, we aim to maximize each person’s ability to achieve their long term activity goals.


Mobility Assessment & Corrections

Evaluate upper to lower body mobility needs, program accessory work.


Stress Management &

Sleep Hygiene Techniques

Provide good sleep hygiene techniques along with stress-lowering tactics can help improve your quality of life.

Weightlifting Assessments & Corrections

Video breakdown of Olympic and Power Lifts, program correctives and accessory work.


Running Gait Analysis & Corrections

Tool used to assess the way you walk and run to spot any overcompensating or weak muscles in the feet.


Dry Needling

We’ve been hard pressed to find another modality that has such an intimate interaction with the tissue at the cellular level, combined with electrical stimulation, to provide an immediate engagement of the affected area.

Conditions We Treat


Neurologic conditions

Common neurological conditions are:

  • Vertigo

  • Seizures

  • MS (Multiple sclerosis)

  • Parkinson’s

  • CVA  (stroke)

  • Balance

Women's Health/Pelvic Floor

Women’s health services are:

  • Internal and/or external Pelvic Floor Assessment 

  • Management throughout the stages of pregnancy

  • Postpartum assessment

  • Return to exercise postpartum

  • Management of pain with sexual intimacy

  • Management of PCOS and Endometriosis

  • Nutrition and Training through the Menstrual Cycle 

  • Incontinence Management 

  • Constipation management 


Common Age-related Conditions

Common conditions in older age are:

  • Joint pain, arthritis 

  • Back/SI pain, radiculopathy/referred symptoms, degenerative conditions, sciatica

  • Neck pain, headaches, radiculopathy/referred symptoms, seizure

  • Shoulder pain, impingement, rotator cuff mobility and strengthening

  • Thoracic pain, mobility, thoracic outlet syndrome 

  • Hip pain, impingement, strengthening 

  • Knee pain, ligament injuries, runners knee, IT syndrome, PFPS, chondromalacia

  • Ankle sprains

  • Plantar fasciitis

  • Achilles injury   

  • Balance 


An exercise-based program that is designed for the patient who plans to have, or has already had a major surgery.

Sports/Work related injuries 

Common examples of these injuries are:

  • Back pain

  • Joint pain impingement (hip or shoulder pain)